Head over, whereis your username (or organization name) on GitHub~$git clone
生命周期方法onPause如果在500ms内还未执行完,ActivityManagerService就会强制关闭这个Activity。两个Activity相互切换,A- B- A,A的生命周期应该是onPause- onStop- onStart- onResume,但是如果切换速度快,那么A Activity可能来不及执行onStop与onStart,即A的生命周期会是onPause- on 复 开发艺术探索和一些大神的博客的理解与总结。Activity的生命周期分为两个部分内容,一个是正常情况下的生命周期,另一部分是异常情况下的生命周期。这里对两个部分分别介绍。一.正常情况下的生命周期 1.onCreate:表示Activity正在被创建。这是生命周期的第一个方法,该方法 本文主要参
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Make sure the poms are on the snapshot of the version you want to deploy Make surejqis installed. If not, install it with your favorite package manager (brew install jq,choco install jq,apt-get install jq,yum install jq, etc.). Add a little speech on the features in (remove the Change Log blog ;-) In case of a failure during the build before the deployment, domvn versions:commit -Palland start over. If something was staged in Maven Central, you can drop the staging repository withmvn nexus-staging:drop. Deploy the website Start next version mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=X.Z-SNA