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New designs and technology are increasing incorporating complex components and many of these are now made using additive manufacturing techniques. It is essential that the powder conforms with tight specifications and the finished products are free from defects and meet the required material .Intertek Provides a Range of Services to Test both Additive Manufacturing Powder and Finished Components New designs and technology are increasing incorporating complex components and many of these are now made using additive manufacturing
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开通期刊会员,信息随心看期刊介绍期刊解读ADDIT MANUF/Additive Manufacturing 2214-8604 2.538(MedSci实时期刊指数)| 1.0004(5年期刊指数) 19.8 65 暂无信息 杂志由出版或管理 Elsevier BVNetherlands 荷兰 暂无信息 暂无信息 不清楚 暂无信息 暂无信息 大类:工程技术 1区[Top] 小类: 期刊论坛中国SCI论文期刊介绍投稿信息杂志官网投稿链接作者需知PMC链接Pubmed全文检索梅斯医学MedSci-临床医生发展平台 梅斯医学是面向医生的综合互联网平台,使用大信息和人工智能技术链接医生、患者、药械企业等,提供精准数字化医学传播方法,优化医疗生态,改善医疗质量,共创
Additive Manufacturingis the peer-reviewed journal that provides academia and world-leading industry with high quality research papers
Recent advances in molecular programming of liquid crystal elastomers with additive manufacturing for 4D printing.This minireview provides a brief overview of the physical principles underlying the key methods for molecular programming of liquid crystal elastomers (LCEs) and recent advances in additive manufacturing processes for LCE 4D printing出版商网址:.Additive Manufacturing增材制造杂志(一年18期). Additive Manufacturing is the peer-reviewed journal that provides academia and world-leading industry with;high quality research papers and reviews in additive manufacturing. The journal aims to acknowledge the innovative nature of .
A fully automated metal additive manufacturing production cellOur fully-automated, large-frame metal additive manufacturing system is a game-changer for the industry, bringing lower costs and shorter lead times to the entire supply chain for high-end components
AddUp participates in $1.5M Research Program to Advance IN-718 Additive Manufacturing for the UnitedXJet Sets Terms for $10 Million Initial Public Offering, Showcasing Innovative 3D Printing Technology XJet Sets Terms for $10 Million Initial Public Offering, Showcasing Innovative 3D Printing TechnologyStratasys Board of Directors Unanimously Rejects Nano Dimension’s Partial Tender Offer Stratasys Board of Directors Unanimously Rejects Nano Dimension’s Partial Tender OfferRFK Racing and BlueForge Alliance Join Forces to Help Rebuild American Manufacturing, While Prom